Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Literary Criticism - Mrs. Smith's Classes

Finding unbiased, credible book reviews online can be difficult.  Authors' own sites are NOT a good source because they will, of course, only include positive reviews. A Google search will usually result in finding sources for purchasing the book.

MEL (Michigan Electronic Library)

You should use databases available through the Michigan Electronic Library or MEL. These are collections of articles from magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference books.

MEL contains a lot of databases, so below are a couple which are especially useful for locating critical reviews of literature.

IMPORTANT:  No matter which database you use, in the search bar type the author or title PLUS the word "revew" (no quotations marks).  Your search inquiry should look something like this:  hunger games review

Infotrac Newsstand Newspapers, especially in large cities, have excellent book reviews.  This database only contains newspaper reviews.

Novelist : Database completely devoted to literature.  Type title in first search bar and "review" in search bar following the word "and."   Scroll down to locate reviews from sources such as Booklist, Kirkus, and Library Journal.

ECO Advanced :  This is very scholarly, but excellent source for reviews.  In search bar, type full title as a "keyword" then scroll down and check the box that says "limit to full text."  Otherwise, you may just get abstracts (short description of actual article).

VERY IMPORTANT FOR HOME USE:  When you link to these databases on any school computer, the IP address is recognized and goes directly to the database.  At home, however, you may be prompted to type in a Michigan driver's license, state id, or library card number.  You can type in your library card number from KDL (public library) or use your parents' license number (with permission) without any fear of privacy issues because the numbers are immediately encrypted.  The only reason it asks is because MEL is funded by Michigan tax dollars so the state tries to ensure that only MI residents use it.  However, here's a little trick:  you can also just type in a letter followed by 12 random numbers and that usually works, too!

Literary Criticism from IPL : This site is not part of MEL, but does have some good information.  You have to evaluate results carefully to make sure that they're unbiased, academic-based sites or documents, but it is worth a try.