Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Imagine That! It's Science Fiction and Fantasy!

Get ready to travel through time, talk to animals, become invisible, or face dangerous creatures....in the pages of a fantasy or science fiction book!  Here are some sites that describe or recommend some great titles:

YABC : There is so much happening on this site that it's almost hard to know where to begin.  Hint:  click on "books" on the left-hand side and then click on "book directory."  You can then find books by filling in the author or title or genre or age.

Books and Authors: It is hard to imagine a better site for finding reviews, descriptions, and recommendations.  You can browse by genre and limit to "young adult" to get specific titles.

Novelist : This outstanding source from the Michigan Electronic Library has many features to help you select a book, find titles like others you've liked, and read reviews and comments.

Scholastic Book Wizard :  Just type in the title of a book you want to know about and you'll get an easy-to-read description....and more!

Click HERE to see a video book talk for Museum of Thieves by Lian Tanner.

Click HERE to see an interview with Cornelia Funke, author of the Inkworld  series and HERE to take a tour of her home, where she writes.

Mrs. Clay and Mrs. Smith's Author Study Links

Lucky you!  You are going to study an author of  your choice, read books by the author, and share what you've learned.  Here are some links to excellent, well-researched information about the authors and their books:
Proquest Learning Literature:  This is an outstanding resource with detailed author biographies, complete lists of books, reviews, and much more information related to literature.  Because it is a subscription database, please get the URL and user name/password from the library desk.

Books and Authors:  From MEL (Michigan Electronic Library), here is a new resource with all kinds of information about authors and books. This fantastic source provides in-depth information about authors, along with book recommendations, read-alikes, awards lists, and too many other features to list.

YABC (Young Adult Books Central):  Very active site, with some biographical information, but lots of reviews, lists of authors' books, and suggestions.

CLB :  Wow!  There is sooo much on this site....author interviews, book recommendations, events, and tons of links!

Biography.com :   This site features really famous authors, like J.K. Rowling, but give it a try, especially if your author is well known.

Read On: Author's Blogs and Sites:   A well-designed, exciting source for author information.

For magazine and newspaper articles, try InfoTrac, which has many articles, images, book excerpts, etc.

Also, many present-day authors have their own sites and they often are just their own name, like Joan Aiken (joanaiken.com).  You can either give it a try by typing in your author's name in the URL bar at the top of the browser page or use a search engine like Google or Bing to type in the author's name. Make sure that it is the author's OFFICIAL site and not a "fan" site because the information might not be accurate on a fan's site.